I have 2 perfectly functioning hands. I also have 2 perfectly functioning eyes, ears, and legs. I have a pretty much perfectly functioning physical body. I am grateful beyond words to have an absolutely loving family. None of the above things I really worked for. I just happened to be born with them. I have a really good circle of people around me I call close friends. I have a decent job that pays all my bills. My mental health is also in great shape (I should share the credit with my amazing therapist though).

I can go on but by now you might have guessed where I am headed with this post. Which is that I am truly privileged and blessed. But I don’t always remember that. And sometimes even fall into a trap of focusing mostly on the “negatives” than “positives” (is there really such a thing though? Negative and positive thoughts? More on that when I am in a philosophical mood and I’ll probably blog my thoughts on that but back to the current topic for now).

Growing up as a kid, I never really had a piggy bank. But I want to change that now! Not with money though. I want to write down 1 “good” thing that happened to me every week and deposit that in the piggy bank. I expect to have 52 pieces of paper in my piggy bank by the end of 2024. I tried something like this in 2023 too but just in my notes on my phone, which I am not a big fan of and also couldn’t keep up. So, can I keep up with this new tradition instead? Only time will tell but first I need to buy my first ever piggy bank! Not gonna lie, I am mildly excited at the thought. Maybe this will be my first note that goes into my piggy bank - “I bought my life’s first ever piggy bank!” 😊

Oh, btw, about 2023 NYE celebrations - I finally was able to go to a themed party that I had been eyeing for the last 3 years! Below is a picture of how I dressed. There is now one less thing on my never ending bucket list.




The conundrum: shave or no shave -