
Sometimes I wake up thinking about how did I end up where I did

Sometimes I am in the shower contemplating life and its “meaning”

Sometimes I wonder what would life be if I was not who I am but someone else?

Would I still be as happy?

Or would I be miserable and sad like some people I have met in my life

No one can really answer these hypotheticals except God, if you are a believer of course

Because these are just a lot of ifs and buts and won’t do me much good pondering over them

All I can do now is live in the moment and appreciate all the privilege and the amazing life I have

Because if one can’t even do that in spite of having it all, that would be a tragedy, wouldn’t it?

So what am I the most appreciative of in this moment on Jan 20th 6:36PM?

The answer is glaring at me

The answer is absolutely obvious

The answer is related to what gives me the most strength when I am in my highs and especially lows

It is of course my absolutely wonderful parents!

Who celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary on January 19th, 2024 in Kuala Lumpur on their way to Australia

Am I lucky to have them?

You bet!

Sadly, not everyone gets to be as lucky as I am

So what I really wanna do is appreciate every moment I spend with them

I wanna cherish every memory I get to create with them

I wanna cuddle with them and talk about nothing and everything

I just wanna tell them how special they are and how much I love them!


How are you feeling?
